Monday, September 20, 2010

Through the Eyes of Polyneices

The latest issue of UVU's Review features an article by our very own Nathan Sinclair Vineyard, who plays Polyneices in Antigone. He gives his insider's look at the audition process in the article "Becoming Polyneices," which you can read in full HERE.

It's exciting to me to see the zest Nathan brings to the theatre. His dedication to the process and art of theatrical storytelling rivals that of many lifelong theatre professionals I know; it's inspiring to watch him work. A couple weeks ago, we held a rehearsal in the outside space known as the "Quad," where the production will be performed at UVU, and Nathan underwent some intense, one-on-one training with our voice and movement coach, Barrett Ogden (MFA, Naropa University), who is also adjunct faculty in the theatre department. The Quad's main feature is a Greek-influenced amphitheatre made of concrete and grass, and a fountain tumbles its way through the audience area to the edge of the stage. For our production, the fountain will be turned off to make it easier for everyone to hear, but it will remain filled with water, and we will use its steps as a key feature of the set. The way we are staging the story, Nathan (as Polyneices) will stumble up the fountain steps and lie at the top for the bulk of the play. It was for this marathon effort that Barrett worked with him. I can only imagine what must have been going through his head when he realized what would be expected of him, but his excitement to participate seems only to grow with each rehearsal.

It's an honor to have you in the cast, Nathan.