Monday, June 28, 2010

Open Auditions

UVU Noorda Theatre
Tuesday, July 13
6 - 9 PM

Please come prepared with a one-minute classical monologue.

Call backs will be July 15 & 16.

This is an official production sponsored by UVU President Matthew S. Holland and the Department of Theatrical Arts in partnership with The School of the Arts.

Performances will take place the first two weekends in October.

Actors need to be available for rehearsal weekday evenings and Saturdays starting August 23.

The production will be adjudicated for KCACTF 2011.

The Noorda Theatre is connected to the GT building at UVU right by the faculty trailers on the east side of campus. It's #37 on THIS MAP.

If you have any questions, please contact the stage manager, Tobby Harward:
(801) 427-0377.